Our tutors are chosen for their skills in teaching and inspiring adult learners.
Here is a list of our 2020 tutors.
Our tutors are chosen for their skills in teaching and inspiring adult learners.
Here is a list of our 2020 tutors.
Our tutors are chosen for their skills in teaching and inspiring adult learners.
Here is a list of our 2020 tutors.
Professional tutors
Relaxed, friendly atmosphere
Daily - 10am to 4pm
Friday evening performance
Held in Henley-on-Thames
£415 for the week (half price for ages 18-25)
28th July to 1st August 2025
Save the date!
Henley Jazz Workshop 2025 will take place 28th July to 1st August 2025
We are not yet taking bookings but you can register your interest using the details on our Contact Us page
The Henley Jazz Workshop is for anyone who can play a little and would love to join like-minded adults for a week of playing jazz. Your time is split between your group and participating in workshops that interest you.
Our 2024 group tutors were Karen Sharp, Thomas L'Etienne, Denny Ilett, Steve Waterman and Alex Clarke. You can read their biographies on our Tutors page. Our line-up of Tutors for 2025 will be released in due course.
Andy Crowdy is our course director who moves between the groups to help and advise.
You'll find more information about the workshop on our Workshop Details page.