Our tutors are chosen for their skills in teaching and inspiring adult learners.
Here is a list of our 2020 tutors.
Our tutors are chosen for their skills in teaching and inspiring adult learners.
Here is a list of our 2020 tutors.
Our tutors are chosen for their skills in teaching and inspiring adult learners.
Here is a list of our 2020 tutors.
New for 2024
Jazz Essentials Day
Run by Andy Crowdy, our one-day Jazz Essentials workshop is designed for people who would like to learn the foundations of playing and improvising jazz. This may be your first foray into the world of jazz or you may be well versed in playing, but have not improvised much. Come along for a fun day exploring how to tackle jazz and we hope it will give you lots of confidence if you are considering joining us for our summer workshop. The event will be limited to 10 attendees to make sure that you get the most out of your day.
Topics covered will include:
Blues - learning a simple 12-bar Blues melody, a 5-note scale for improvising, and how to adjust the scale to fit the changing chords;
Rhythm Changes - learning a simple 8-bar melody and turning it into a 32-bar structure;
Improvisation - tips on how to create and develop improvised solos, making them more interesting and more fun!
When: Sunday 7th April 2024, 10am to 4pm.
Where: Oaken Grove Vineyard, Benhams Lane, Fawley, Henley on Thames, RG9 6JG
Cost: £95 to include tea and coffee.
What to bring:
Your instrument and music stand
Amps and leads if required
Pen and paper for making notes
Your own packed lunch
What to do next: If you would like to attend the Jazz Essentials Day, click the button below to download the joining form. The form includes submission and payment details.